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When you get to this level, you'll find this little message.

When this pops up, press the switch. A countdown timer will start, and you'll have to get to the next level before the time goes out. If the time runs out, you'll have to go back to the entrance and restart the switch. So run, run, run!
Lv31) Go all the way down the staircase on the left, go to the center between the two staircases. Then go to the right side, down the stairs, up the stairs, and head to the exit from there.
Lv32) Go all the way down the staircase on the right, go to the center between the two staircases, then head to the exit. You will receive a time extension if you go to the center between the two staircases.
Lv33) This next one is hard, as you'll only have 40 seconds on the timer, and the location of the switch will change. Go down the left staircase, and activate the switch. Then run to the center of the two staircases, and go to the right. Run all the way down then take the left in front of the exit.
Lv34) This one isn't as bad, you've probably gotten familiar with the new layout by now. Activate the switch in the center of the map, go down and of the two staircases, go to the center of the two staircases, and go to the right. Run all the way down like before, and head to the exit.

Lv35) It seems you have found the Botanian, he likes to poison, paralyze, blind you, and get on the nerves of ninjas.