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The next few levels will be a game of bingo. The moment you enter floor 46, you'll find three question marks. If you click on them, you will get a number. The number is random, and will depict where a token goes into your bingo card. Get three in a row, and you can go to the next level. The three in a row can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.

Lv46) Once you enter this level, you'll see three question marks. Tap on them, and you will receive your first token. Take a right and head down the staircase to get the next token (125, 106). Keep going straight until you get to (47,113), three tokens. If you're lucky, you might have already gotten a bingo. Go back to the middle of the two staircases. Take the right staircase and go down to get the next token (109, 77). Go up the little staircase on the right to get the next one (138, 47). Turn around and do this to the other side where the left staircase is. Here you'll find two more tokens (27,34) and (50, 78). Head towards the exit, and go to the middle staircase (right in front of the exit, at 79, 34) to get the next one. The last one is at (78, 75), which is where the waterfall is in the middle of the map.
Lv47) Welcome to Floor 47, if you'll notice, there's no monsters or numbers to find on the left side of the map. So start heading right. Take a right, you'll find the first one at (104, 134). Keep heading down the stairs until you get to (140, 130). Here you'll find the second one. Keep heading down onto the next platform, or (144, 116) to find the third. Take a slight turn and keep going down to (115, 104). This is the fourth. Take a slight u-turn so you're facing the staircase, here you'll find the fifth one (123, 116).
Like before, head down the right staircase. At (93, 103) you'll find the next one. Head down the staircase. You'll find the next one at the bottom (105, 83). Take a right and go up the tiny staircase. Take a slight right to find the next one at (131, 76). Go to the next section, take a u-turn and go down the stairs. At the top of the stairs you will find one (133, 30), you'll find another one at the bottom (151, 30). Go back up the stairs and take a u-turn. The next one is at (122, 28). Turn around and take another u-turn onto the tall staircase. You'll find one dot at (121, 21). Keep heading up until you get to (99, 13), where you'll find the next one. Descend the staircase. Go down again, to (81, 35) to get another dot. Just two more to go! Head up the staircase and take a left to (102, 49), one left! Do the same thing on the other side (96, 90), you will need to use a staircase. Head to the next level.
Lv48) Could it get anymore painful? More dots :c and this time, 25 of them [shrieks] I'm tired of writing out instructions, and you've probably gotten the gist of this, so I'll just post the coordinates. Don't forget that you will only need five tokens horizontally, vertically, or diagonally to go to the next level.
<85,26> <69,141> <10,101> <90, 18> <111,64> <88,99> <129,104><85,123> <69,108> <132,104> <66,14> <21,131><48,51> <126,31> <74,28> <130,44><50,100><18,69> <87,103> <138,66> <70,71> <74,80> <27,31><99,47> <92,74> <146,47><132,80> <58,14> <145,115> <48,58> <133,20>
Lv49) Lazy >_> here's just a copy of the coordinates from the jp wiki. Have fun
<84,28> <69,140> <146,47> <111,64> <85,123> <132,104> <66,14> <48,51> <126,31> <75,28> <133,46> <87,103> <141,66> <72,73> <73,79> <27,31> <92,74> <18,69> <10,100> <133,82> <87,100> <58,14> <145,115> <93,15> <48,58> <98,47> <136,19> <50,100> <129,104> <69,108> <21,131>
Lv50) Fight Beelzebub