This data is around 7 years old. There may be inconsistencies with classes or skills that have been rebalanced.
Important: the data comes from before the changes made in this balance patch
summarised changes for skill buff effects
Battle Mastery
• Upward adjustment of rising ATK amount.
• Added fixed damage before the calculation of damage resistance or targeted bosses and monsters.
Mana Mastery
• Added fixed damage before the calculation of damage resistance or targeted bosses and monsters.
• [Power Up] adjusted upward. MeleeR boost added, MagicR boost added, ATK boost increased.
• The negative effects of [Lethargy] decrease.
• The duration of [Lethargy] is shortened.
Important: the data comes from before the changes made in this balance patch
summarised changes for skill buff effects
Serum / Impetus / Night Eye / Anesis / Yoareg
• May not give Immune Determination Stat+1
• The magic evasion boost based on INT and AGI is removed.
Shadow Walk
• The magic evasion boost is removed.
• Evasion rate boost of [Assault] adjusted downward.
• Evasion rate, neutral magic and MATK decrease everytime using this skill while [Assault] is in effect.
• Boost on [Range cut] depending on the level is removed.
• ATK boost becomes the same as when equipping [Throwing] due to the fact that the boost with the concept weapon of Monk: [Claw] was lower than Throwing and Staff.
• ATK boost effect increases [Sword], [Bow] and [Claws]. Decreases with [Staff].
Claw Mastery
• ATK boost adjusted upward.
• Boosts on [Melee resistance] and [Magic resistance] are added.
treat any instance of the following as an unknown value.
l.o.e X
Gloria / グロリア
Melee to Dark+[(Skill Level × 5) + 15]%
[If you are Paladin or Apprentice Paladin: additional Melee to Dark+30%]
Guard / ガード
MeleeR+[(Skill Level × 10) + 10]%
Devotion / ディボーション
Cover+[(mVIT / 16) + (Skill Level × 10) + 14]
Fortis / フォルティス
VAL0 = mVIT (if above 256: become 256)
NeutralR+[(VAL0 / 10) + 25]%
WaterR+[(VAL0 / 10) + 25]%
EarthR+[(VAL0 / 10) + 25]%
WindR+[(VAL0 / 10) + 25]%
FireR+[(VAL0 / 10) + 25]%
LightR+[(VAL0 / 10) + 25]%
DarkR+[(VAL0 / 10) + 25]%
[if Parry Rate > 0: Parry Rate+50%]
Hate Rise+[Skill Level × 10]%
Melee+[mVIT × 2]
Evasion Rate-50%
Divine Aura / ディバインオーラ
Possible effect 1;
Auto HP Recovery+[mVIT × 4]
Auto HP Recovery Rate+10%
Rate Cut% +[mVIT / 10]
Hate Rise+[Skill Level × 30]%
[If you have learned the skill Parry: Parry Rate+10%]
Possible effect 2;
Auto HP Recovery-90%
Shield Mastery / シールドマスタリ
Apply the following if equipped with Shield
Shield Mastery+1 (turned ON)
MaxHP+[Player Lv × ((Skill Level × 5) + 5)]
Stun Parry / スタンパリング
Stun Parry+[(mVIT / 8) + 8 + (Skill Level × 10)]%
Parry / パリィ
Parry Rate+[(Skill Level × 10) + 9 + (mVIT / 12]%
Heal Boost / ヒールブースト
Heal Reward+[(MaxHP × (Skill Level × 5)) / 100]
Rage Force / レイジフォース
Rage Force Damage Increase Rate+6200%
Defense / ディフェンス
DEF+[Skill Level × 2]
Warcry / ウォークライ
ATK+[(Skill Level × 4) + 4]%
MaxHP+[(Skill Level × 4) + 4]%
Berserk / バーサーク
Half Attack Interval Determination+1
Accuracy Rate+10%
[If Skill Level ≥ 2: DEF+25%]
[If Skill Level ≥ 2: AilmentR+25%]
Penetrate / ペネトレイト
[unknown condition: Recoil±% equal to [3 - Skill Level] (use the operator sign of the result)
[unknown condition: ATK+[(Skill Level × 2) + 3]%
[unknown condition: ATK+[unknown calculation × (Player Lv / 16)]
Esperanza / エスペランサ
possible Esperanza effect 1
ATK+ [(mAGI × (skill level + 9)) / 10]
Melee+ [e.K * (skill level + 1)]
Melee to Neutral+[(Skill Level × 2) + 3]%
Melee to Water+[(Skill Level × 2) + 3]%
Melee to Fire+[(Skill Level × 2) + 3]%
Melee to Earth+[(Skill Level × 2) + 3]%
Melee to Wind+[(Skill Level × 2) + 3]%
Melee to Light+[(Skill Level × 2) + 3]%
Melee to Dark+[(Skill Level × 2) + 3]%
DamageR+[(Skill Level × 10) + 40]%
Evasion Rate-1000%
Heal Reward-[MaxHP]
possible Esperanza effect 2
ATK - [(60 - (Skill Level × 10)]%
Accuracy Rate - [(60 - (Skill Level × 10)]%
Critical Rate - [(60 - (Skill Level × 10)]%
DEF - [(60 - (Skill Level × 10)]%
MDEF - [(60 - (Skill Level × 10)]%
Solid Skin / マッシヴスキン
no effect
Sword Tempest / ソードテンペスト
Apply the following while Tempest gauge is > 0%,
Melee+[Level + (Tempest × 10)]
Evasion Rate+[(Tempest × Tempest) / 100]%
[While bVar.r = 2: Half Attack Interval Determination+1]
Beast Knight
Diel Style / ディールスタイル
[If equipped with Claw or Sword: ASPD+[(this.fH / (5 - i)]%
Invisible / インビジブル
Hate Rise-[(Skill Level × 5) + 15]%
Evasion Rate+[(Skill Level × 5) + 5]%
Darkness / ダークネス
Melee to Light+[(Skill Level × 5) + 15]%
[If you are Assassin or Apprentice Assassin: additional Melee to Light+30%]
Execute / エグゼキュース
Critical Damage+[(Skill Level × 2) + 3)%
[If equipped with Throwing: CRT+[Skill Level × 10]
Rush / ラッシュ
[If equipped with Claw: Half Attack Interval Determination +1]
Item Recovery±% equal to [(Skill Level × 25) - 75] (use the operator sign of the result)
Critical Damage-[(((mCRT + mCRT) / (Skill Level × 4)) / 10) + 1]%
Skill Delay±% equal to [(25 - (Skill Level × 5)) / 10]sec (use the operator sign of the result)
Hate Rise-50%
Shadow Walk / シャドウウォーク
While you have 0 hate against any enemy,
Magic Evasion+[(mDEX / 16) + (mVIT / 16)]%
Absolute Evasion+45%
While you have hate against an enemy,
Absolute Evasion+25%
Skia / スキア
Counter on Evasion+[(Skill Level × 10) + 20]%
Illusion / イリュージョン
Magic Evasion+[(Skill Level × 10) + 20 + (mINT / 8) + (mAGI / 8)]%
Throw Mastery / スローマスタリ
ATK+[Skill Level × 50]
Critical Rate+[Skill Level × 5]%
Range+[Skill Level]
Sense / センス
Accuracy Rate+[(Skill Level × 10) + 20]%
Critical Rate+[(Skill Level × 10) - 10]%
[If equipped with Bow: ATK+[(Skill Level × 15) + 10]]
Night Eye / ナハトアイ
Blind Immune Determination+1
Anesis / アネシス
Freeze Immune Determination+1
Magic+[Player Lv]
Yoareg / ヨアレグ
Burn Immune Determination+1
Melee+[Player Lv / 2]
Evasion / イベーション
AGI+[(Skill Level × 8) + 8]
Serum / シエラム
Poison Immune Determination+1
Impetus / エネシス
Paralysis Immune Determination+1
Paralysis / パララシス
Paralysis Infliction on Enemy+[(mCRT / 32) + 2]%
Fast Shot / ファストショット
• Unable to Move Determination+1
Only apply the following effects if equipped with Bow
• [if mDEX = 0: Half Attack Interval+1] (note: it is not possible to have 0 mDEX)
• [If mDEX > 0: ASPD+[Skill Level × 20]%
• ATK+[Skill Level × (mAGI / 4)]
• Accuracy Rate-25%
• Critical Rate-25%
• [if unknown condition: Range±unknown calculation] (use the operator sign of the result)
Aim / エイム
Apply the following if equipped with Bow
ATK+[(Skill Level × 50) + 50]
Accuracy+[(Skill Level × 5) + 20]
Bow Mastery / ボウマスタリ
Apply the following if equipped with Bow,
ATK+[(Skill Level × 10) + 10]
Range+[Skill Level + 1]
Protection / プロテクション
DEF+[((Skill Level × 2) × mVIT / 10) + (Skill Level × 10) + 10]
Hawkeye / ホークアイ
DEX+[(Skill Level × 5) + 5]
Critical Damage+[(Skill Level × 5) + 5]%
Resurrection / リザレクション
bDeathEvasion (Resurrect with % of MaxHP)+[(Skill Level × 20) + 10]
Divine Bless / ディバインブレス
STR+[Skill Level + 1]
DEX+[Skill Level + 1]
AGI+[Skill Level + 1]
CRT+[Skill Level + 1]
bVIT+[Skill Level + 1]
bINT+[Skill Level + 1]
Quick / クイック
Skill Delay-[(Skill Level × 0.5) + 1]sec
Auto MP Recovery-25%
[If you are not Bishop or Cleric (including Apprentices): Cast Time-[(Skill Level × 10) + 40]%
Priere / プリエール
MATK+[(Skill Level × 4) + 4]%
MaxMP+[(Skill Level × 4) + 4]%
Risparmio / リスパルミオ
MP Cost-[(Skill Level × 10) + 20]%
Auto HP Recovery+10%
Auto MP Recovery+10%
Sanctuary / サンクチュアリ
Range Cut+[(Skill Level × 10) + (Player Lv / 10)]%
Revelation / リベレイション
If you are any class besides Adventurer, apply:
Job Bonus Rate+100%
Absolute Accuracy+20%
Absolute Evasion+10%
If you are Adventurer, apply:
STR+[Player Lv / 10]
DEX+[Player Lv / 10]
AGI+[Player Lv / 10]
CRT+[Player Lv / 10]
bINT+[Player Lv / 10]
bVIT+[Player Lv / 10]
Aegis / イージス
MagicR+[(Skill Level × 10) + 20]%
Faith / フェイス
MaxHP+[(Skill Level × 200) + 100]
Autoskill+[Skill Level × 3]%
Capacity / キャパシティ
MaxMP+[(Skill Level × 100) + 200]
MaxMP+[(Skill Level × 5) + 5]%
Physical / フィジカル
AilmentR+[(Skill Level × 5) + 5]%
Chakra / チャクラ (Weapon Refinement is the +0 to +9)
VAL0 = [(mINT x 4) + (mDEX / 2) - 3]
If Rod or Throw: VAL1 = [(Weapon ATK + Weapon Refinement) x Weapon Refinement x Weapon Refinement]
If Rod: VAL2 = 0 and VAL0 = [Weapon ATK + VAL0 + (VAL1 / 100)]
If Throw: VAL2 = 0 and VAL0 = [Weapon ATK + VAL0 + (VAL1 / 110)]
If Sword, Bow, or Claw: VAL2 = [Weapon Refinement x 5]
ATK+[VAL2 + ((VAL0 x ((Skill Level x 5) + 15)) / 100)]
Healing / ヒーリング
Heal Reward+[(MaxHP × (Skill Level × 5)) / 100]
Item Recovery+[Skill Level × 10]%
Lentus / レントゥス
Lentus Determination+1
Brionac / ブリューナク
Shell Break / シェルブレイク
Shell Break Rate+[(Skill Level × 3) + 5]%
[If equipped with Claw: additional Shell Break Rate+[(Skill Level × 2) + 8]%]
Boost HP / ブーストHP
MaxHP+[Skill Level × 10]%
MaxHP+[(Skill Level - 1) × Player Lv]
Claw Mastery / クローマスタリ
Apply the following if equipped with Claw
ATK+[(Skill Level × 10) + 15]
MagicR+[(Skill Level × 5) + 5]%
[If Skill Level ≥ 3: Range+1]
Draw / ドロー
Autoskill+[Skill Level × 5]%
Stone Skin
Stone Skin Determination+1
Magic Blade / マジックブレード (old)
no relevant data because the Skill ID of Magic Blade is different now
Power Enhancer / パワーエンハンス
DEX-[mDEX / 2]
STR+[mDEX / 2]
CRT+[mDEX / 2]
Qadal / カダルエレクシオ
Apply the following while Magic Overheat is > 0,
ATK+[Magic Overheat / 10]%
MATK+[Magic Overheat / 10]%
Autoskill+[Magic Overheat / 10]%
ATK+[Magic Overheat × 2]
MATK+[Magic Overheat × 2]
[While bVar.r = 2: Half Attack Interval Determination+1]
Enchant / エンチャント
can't understand it
High Wizard
Mirage / ミラージュ
Cast Time-25%
Imperial Ray / インペリアルレイ
DEF+[(mAGI + mDEX) / 2]
MDEF+[(mAGI + mDEX) / 2]
Evasion+[(mAGI + mDEX) / 2]
Half Attack Interval Determination+1
Spell Burst / スペルバースト
Spell Burst+[(Skill Level × 10) + (mCRT / 10)]%
Rod Mastery / ロッドマスタリ
Apply the following if equipped with Rod
MATK+[(Skill Level × 50) + 150 + (Player Lv - 120)]
MDEF+[(Skill Level × 50) + 50]
MATK+[(Player Lv - 120) / 33]%
Cast Barrier / キャストバリア
Cast Defense+[(Skill Level × 10) + 10]%
Utsusemi / 空蝉
bDeathEvasion (Resurrect with % of MaxHP)+1
Shuriken Mastery / 投修練
Apply the following if equipped with Throwing
ATK+[(Skill Level × 40) + 10]
MATK+[(Skill Level × 80) + 20]
Range+[Skill Level]
Ni rengeki / 二連撃
If there is no Autoskill in weapon (including crystas attached to weapon): apply Ni rengeki (Autoskill ID 27057) to Weapon
Mental Clarity / 心頭滅却
Item Delay+1.5sec
Tsubame Gaeshi / 燕返し
no effect
Absolute Clarity / 明鏡止水
[If equipped with Sword: CRT+[Lv, not exceeding the max mCRT you can have]
Supernatural / 怪力乱神
Weapon Breakdown Rate+100%
Melee+[(Player Lv + mVIT + mINT) × Skill Level]
Critical Damage+[Skill Level + 9]%
DEF±% equal to [(Skill Level × 5) - 25] (use the operator sign of the result)
MDEF±% equal to [(Skill Level × 5) - 25] (use the operator sign of the result)
Insight / 心眼
Melee Pierce+[Skill Level × 10]%
Melee+[Skill Level × 100]
Katana Mastery / 刀修練
Apply the following if equipped with Sword
Critical Damage+[(Skill Level × 5) + 45]%
ASPD Lowest Determination+1
Ukenagashi / 受け流し
Samurai Parry+1%
Grand Majesty / 威風堂堂
Dragonewt Song / 竜吟の歌
STR+[Player Lv / 25]
DEX+[Player Lv / 25]
AGI+[Player Lv / 25]
CRT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicVIT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicINT+[Player Lv / 25]
Life Song / 生命の歌
MaxHP+[(Player Lv × 19) + 155]
MaxHP+[Player Lv / 10]%
Auto HP Recovery+[(Player Lv / 3) + 15]
Auto HP Recovery+[(Player Lv / 6) + 8]%
Heal Reward+[(mVIT × 4) + (Player Lv × 4) + 56]
STR+[Player Lv / 25]
DEX+[Player Lv / 25]
AGI+[Player Lv / 25]
CRT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicVIT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicINT+[Player Lv / 25]
Passionate Song / 熱情の歌
ATK+[(Player Lv / 2) + (mSTR / 4) + 109]
ATK+[Player Lv / 100]%
STR+[Player Lv / 25]
DEX+[Player Lv / 25]
AGI+[Player Lv / 25]
CRT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicVIT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicINT+[Player Lv / 25]
Wisdom Song / 智解の歌
Cast Time-100%
MATK+[(Player Lv / 2) + (mINT / 4) + 109]
MATK+[Player Lv / 100]
STR+[Player Lv / 25]
DEX+[Player Lv / 25]
AGI+[Player Lv / 25]
CRT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicVIT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicINT+[Player Lv / 25]
Dream Song / 夢幻の歌
MP Cost-100%
Skill Delay± equal to [(30 - ((mDEX / 25) + (Player Lv / 10))) / 10]sec (use the operator sign of the result)
STR+[Player Lv / 25]
DEX+[Player Lv / 25]
AGI+[Player Lv / 25]
CRT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicVIT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicINT+[Player Lv / 25]
Nostalgia Song / 郷愁の歌
Critical Rate+100
Melee+[((Player Lv × Player Lv) / 90) + mCRT + 22]
Critical Damage+[Player Lv / 50]%
STR+[Player Lv / 25]
DEX+[Player Lv / 25]
AGI+[Player Lv / 25]
CRT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicVIT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicINT+[Player Lv / 25]
Joy and Sorrow / 哀歓の歌
Item Recovery+10%
Heal Recovery+10%
Item Delay-0.5sec
STR+[Player Lv / 25]
DEX+[Player Lv / 25]
AGI+[Player Lv / 25]
CRT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicVIT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicINT+[Player Lv / 25]
Warrior Song / 武人の歌
Evasion+[(Player Lv / 2) + (mAGI / 4)]
Evasion+[Player Lv / 10]%
Magic Evasion+[Player Lv / 5]%
Absolute Evasion+[(Player Lv / 20) + (mAGI / 15)]%
AilmentR+[Player Lv / 5]%
STR+[Player Lv / 25]
DEX+[Player Lv / 25]
AGI+[Player Lv / 25]
CRT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicVIT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicINT+[Player Lv / 25]
Sweet Home / 故里の歌
STR+[Player Lv / 25]
DEX+[Player Lv / 25]
AGI+[Player Lv / 25]
CRT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicVIT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicINT+[Player Lv / 25]
Cleave Song / 貫徹の歌
Melee+[mSTR × 0.977]
Magic+[mINT × 1.954]
Melee Pierce+[Player Lv / 4]
Melee Pierce+[Player Lv / 25]%
Magic Pierce+[Player Lv / 2]
Magic Pierce+[Player Lv / 25]%
STR+[Player Lv / 25]
DEX+[Player Lv / 25]
AGI+[Player Lv / 25]
CRT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicVIT+[Player Lv / 25]
bBasicINT+[Player Lv / 25]
Song Lore / 歌知識
MaxMP+[Player Lv × (Skill Level + 1)]
Auto MP Recovery+[(Skill Level × 10) + 10]%
Reflection / リフレクション
Reflect+[(Skill Level × 10) + 20]%
Magic Barrier / マジックバリア
DEF+[(mINT / 2) + ((Player Lv × Skill Level) / 10)]
MDEF+[(mINT / 2) + (Player Lv × Skill Level) / 5)]
MaxHP+[1000 × Skill Level]
Cast Barrier / キャストバリア
Cast Defense+[(Skill Level × 10) + 10]%
Enchant / エンチャント
can't understand it
Pet Skills
Homing / ホーミング
Accuracy Rate+10%
Absolute Accuracy+10%
ATK+[Player Lv / 100]
All Around / オールラウンド
Melee to Fire+2%
Melee to Water+2%
Melee to Wind+2%
Melee to Earth+2%
Melee to Light+2%
Melee to Dark+2%
Fire Magic+2%
Water Magic+2%
Wind Magic+2%
Earth Magic+2%
Light Magic+2%
Dark Magic+2%
Quick Turn / クイックターン
Absolute Evasion+10%
High Cycle / ハイサイクル
VAL0 = [16 if Rod, 14 if Bow, 13 if Throw, 0 if Claw, 0 if Sword]
If the result of [VAL0 - (mAGI / 12)] is a positive number, apply: ASPD+[VAL0 × 10]%
Evasion / イベーション
AGI+[(Skill Level × 8) + 8]
Spell Boost / スペルブースト
MP Cost: [MaxMP × 20 / 100]
• MATK+[Player Lv]
• MATK+[(mINT / 16) + 14]%
• Evasion-25
• MDEF-50%
• MP Cost+100%
Large Shield / ラージシールド
Self Healing / セルフヒーリング
Auto HP Recovery+100%
Auto MP Recovery+100%
Life Charge / ライフチャージ
Lost Articles (pickup after defeating monster)
Buff [Attack Power UP] / バフ [攻撃力UP]
no data
Buff Defense Power UP] / バフ [防御力UP]
no data
Buff [Auto Recovery] / バフ [自然回復]
no data
Buff EXP UP / バフ [経験値UP]
no data
Buff [Berserker] / バフ [狂戦士化 ]
Half Attack Interval Determination+1
Critical Rate+100
Buff [Infinite Techniques] / バフ [無限奥義]
Skill Delay-10sec
MP Cost-100%
All Recovered / 全て回復
no data
sort later
Battle Mastery / バトルマスタリ
ATK+[Skill Level × 5]
Mana Mastery / マナマスタリ
MATK+[Skill Level × 5]
Mana Recover / マナリカバー
Auto MP Recovery+[Skill Level × 5]
Relax / リラックス
Auto HP Recovery+[(Skill Level × 10) + 10]
Auto MP Recovery+[(Skill Level × 5) + 5]
Survival / サバイバル
Auto HP Recovery+[(Skill Level × 5) + 5]
Auto MP Recovery+[(Skill Level × 5) + 5]
Resist / レジスト
MDEF+[(Skill Level × 5) + 5]%
Sword Mastery / ソードマスタリ
Apply the following if equipped with Sword
ATK+[(Skill Level × 50) + 50]
Accuracy+[(Skill Level × 5) + 20]
Stun Guard / スタンガード
Stun Guard Rate+[(Skill Level × 10) + 10]%
HP Plus / HPプラス
Auto HP Recovery+[(Skill Level × 500) + 500]
MP Plus / MPプラス
Auto MP Recovery+[(Skill Level × 250) + 250]
Resist Pain / ルーザーペイン
Loser Pain+1%