Ep3 (part 2)
Guard Dragon Aufsea / 番竜オフセア Lv289
HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when combat starts)
• VAL1 = 1
90% HP
• DEF+50, MDEF+1000, STR+500, INT+500, DEX+10
• Create animation 3_1_3_3
• VAL7 = 1, VAL1 = 2
70% HP
• DEF+50, MDEF+1000, STR+500, INT+500, DEX+10
• Create animation 3_1_3_3
• VAL7 = 1, VAL1 = 3
40% HP
• DEF+100, MDEF+2000, STR+1500, INT+1000, DEX+10
• Create animation 3_1_3_3
• VAL7 = 1, VAL1 = 4
20% HP
• DEF-400, MDEF-6000, STR-4500, INT-4000, DEX-80
• Create animation 4_1_3_3
• VAL7 = 1, VAL1 = 5
Mechanic 1: Reduce HP
When the 90%, 70%, 40%, and 20% HP parameter is activated,
• Guard Dragon Aufsea's special attack! _ damage taken.
• Check if you have any [Defense] buff
if true:
• The damage has been decreased by [Defense] effect!
• VAL9 becomes [random number between 10-30]
• Lose HP equal to [Current HP x (VAL9 / 100)] (minimum: 1, this can kill you)
if false:
• Stunned for 3sec
• VAL9 becomes [random number between 40-60]
• Lose HP equal to [Current HP x (VAL9 / 100)] (minimum: 1, this can kill you)
Mechanic 2: Debuffs
Immediately, then every 25sec thereafter,
• Magic was lowered.
• apply [Magic Attack Power] 10sec: Neutral • Fire • Water • Wind • Earth • Light • Dark Magic-50%
• Check if you are Aufsea's highest aggro target
if false:
• Guard was lowered.
• apply [Guard] 10sec: MeleeR-50%
Mechanic 3: MP draining bolt (completes, then repeats)
Start this Mechanic immediately,
Part 1 (from 0sec)
• Place a repeating lightning bolt animation at a random position within X[28 to 71], Y[17 to 68]
• During Part 1, after 1sec, then every 1sec thereafter, check if your X,Y position is within X±4,Y±4 of the lightning bolt animation,
if true:
• Lose MP equal to [MaxMP x 0.1]
Part 2 (at 5sec)
• Remove the lightning bolt animation
Part 3 (at 25sec if solo, 15sec if party size ≥ 2)
• Repeat this mechanic from the start
Maelriel / マエルリエル Lv290
HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when combat starts)
• Poison players for 10.0sec (poison damage: 500)
• VAL1 = 1
90% HP
• INT+1500, MDEF+30000
• Create object 1
• Paralyze players for 5.0sec
• VAL1 = 2, VAL4 = 1, VAL3 = 100, SVAL1 = 100, SVAL2 = 2, SVAL3 = 1, SVAL4 = 1
If 90% HP parameter activated, whichever happens first: [10sec later], or, [when the 70% HP parameter activates]
• INT-750, MDEF-30000
• Blinded for 5sec
• VAL1 = 3
70% HP
• VAL3 = 0, SVAL1 = 0
50% HP
• STR+3000, DEF+10000
• Create object 2
• Burn players for 5.0sec
• VAL1 = 4, VAL4 = 2, VAL3 = 100, SVAL1 = 100, SVAL2 = 2, SVAL3 = 2, SVAL5 = 1
If 50% HP parameter activated, whichever happens first: [10sec later], or, [when the 30% HP parameter activates]
• STR-1500, DEF-10000
• Freezed for 5sec
• VAL1 = 5
30% HP
• VAL3 = 0, SVAL1 = 0
10% HP
• Stun players for 3.0sec
• VAL1 = 6
Mechanic 1: Landmine Placement [This Mechanic does not activate if you are in a solo MQ fight]
Immediately, then [in solo: every 25sec thereafter] [in party: every 15sec thereafter],
Place Poison Landmine, Electric Landmine, Smoke Landmine, Fire Landmine, and Ice Landmine (all indicated by wind circle animations) in that order, each at one of the following X,Y positions, chosen randomly (if a selected position already has a Landmine, a different position is chosen instead),
• X55,Y45
• X55,Y55
• X55,Y65
• X55,Y75
• X65,Y45
• X65,Y55
• X65,Y65
• X65,Y75
• X75,Y45
• X75,Y55
• X75,Y65
• X75,Y75
• X85,Y45
• X85,Y55
• X85,Y65
• X85,Y75
• X95,Y45
• X95,Y55
• X95,Y65
• X95,Y75
• X105,Y45
• X105,Y55
• X105,Y65
• X105,Y75
After 5sec, the Landmines are removed.
Mechanic 2: Poison Landmine effect
If the Poison Landmine is stepped on (by walking within X±10,Y±10 of its position),
• If you have 1 or more Afterglow of Mandela in your bag,
• Afterglow of Mandala protected you!
• Otherwise,
• Poison resistance was lowered.
• apply [Poison Resistance] 10sec: Poison Immune Determination set to 0 during this buff
• Poisoned for 10sec (poison damage: [((random number from 1 to 5) x Lv) / 2])
Mechanic 3: Electric Landmine effect
If the Electric Landmine is stepped on (by walking within X±10,Y±10 of its position),
• If you have 1 or more Afterglow of Mandela in your bag,
• Afterglow of Mandala protected you!
• Otherwise,
• Paralysis resistance was lowered.
• apply [Paralysis Resistance] 10sec: Paralysis Immune Determination set to 0 during this buff
• Paralyzed for 10sec
Mechanic 4: Smoke Landmine effect
If the Smoke Landmine is stepped on (by walking within X±10,Y±10 of its position),
• If you have 1 or more Afterglow of Mandela in your bag,
• Afterglow of Mandala protected you!
• Otherwise,
• Blind resistance was lowered.
• apply [Blind Resistance] 10sec: Blind Immune Determination set to 0 during this buff
• Blinded for 10sec
Mechanic 5: Fire Landmine effect
If the Fire Landmine is stepped on (by walking within X±10,Y±10 of its position),
• If you have 1 or more Afterglow of Mandela in your bag,
• Afterglow of Mandala protected you!
• Otherwise,
• Burn resistance was lowered.
• apply [Burn Resistance] 10sec: Burn Immune Determination set to 0 during this buff
• Burned for 10sec
Mechanic 6: Ice Landmine effect
If the Ice Landmine is stepped on (by walking within X±10,Y±10 of its position),
• If you have 1 or more Afterglow of Mandela in your bag,
• Afterglow of Mandala protected you!
• Otherwise,
• Freeze resistance was lowered.
• apply [Freeze Resistance] 10sec: Freeze Immune Determination set to 0 during this buff
• Freezed for 10sec
Biflog / ビフログ Lv290
HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when combat starts)
• VAL1 = 1
80% HP
• Create object 1
• VAL1 = 2, VAL3 = 1, VAL4 = 300, VAL10 = 1
60% HP
• VAL1 = 3, VAL3 = 0, VAL11 = 1
40% HP
• Create object 1
• VAL1 = 4, VAL3 = 1, VAL4 = 300, VAL12 = 1
20% HP
• VAL1 = 5, VAL3 = 0, VAL13 = 1
Mechanic 1
After the 80% HP parameter activates, every 0.1sec, for the next 30sec, or, until another HP parameter activates,
• Lose MP equal to [(MaxMP x 0.005) + 1)
Mechanic 2
After the 40% HP parameter activates, every 0.1sec, for the next 30sec, or, until the 20% HP parameter activates,
• Lose MP equal to [(MaxMP x 0.005) + 1)
Glabora / グラボラ Lv291
HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when combat starts)
• VAL1 = 1
80% HP
• STR+1000, INT+500, AGI-50
• Modify Autoattack Delay [1st Attack becomes 1.2sec], [2nd Attack becomes 1.7sec]
• Movement Speed becomes 9
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 2
60% HP
• STR+1000, INT+500, AGI-50
• Modify Autoattack Delay [1st Attack becomes 1.4sec], [2nd Attack becomes 1.9sec]
• Movement Speed becomes 8
• VAL1 = 3
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
50% HP
• Element becomes Neutral
• Reduce players HP by [their Lv x 10], Reduce players MP by [their Lv x 5]
• VAL1 = 4
40% HP
• STR+1000, INT+500, AGI-50
• Modify Autoattack Delay [1st Attack becomes 1.6sec], [2nd Attack becomes 2.1sec]
• Movement Speed becomes 7
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 5
20% HP
• STR+1000, INT+500, AGI-50
• Modify Autoattack Delay [1st Attack becomes 1.8sec], [2nd Attack becomes 2.3sec]
• Movement Speed becomes 6
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 6
Mechanic 1: Landmine and Fire Extinguishment Area placement
At the start of combat, place the following,
• Landmine 1 at X38,Y68 (indicated with a fire circle animation)
• Landmind 2 at X38,Y78 (indicated with a fire circle animation)
• Landmine 3 at X38,Y88 (indicated with a fire circle animation)
• Landmine 4 at X38,Y98 (indicated with a fire circle animation)
Mechanic 2: Landmine and Fire Extinguishment Area movement
Immediately, then every 20sec thereafter,
Place a Fire Extinguishment Area (indicated with a water circle animation) at one of the following positions, chosen randomly,
• X79,Y74
• X95,Y89
• X79,Y104
• X64,Y89
Also, apply 1 of the following, chosen randomly,
• Move Landmine 1 to a random position within X[71 to 82],Y81
• Move Landmine 2 to a random position within X[85 to 96],Y81
• Move Landmine 3 to a random position within X[71 to 82],Y94
• Move Landmine 4 to a random position within X[85 to 96],Y94
Mechanic 3: Landmine effect
If a Landmine is stepped on (by walking within X[+2 to -3],Y[+2 to -3] of its position), after 1sec, then every 1sec thereafter (for a total of 5 times),
• Lose HP equal to [(MaxHP x (random number from 5 to 10)) / 100] (this cannot kill you)
Mechanic 4: Fire Extinguishment Area effect
If the Fire Extinguishment Area is stepped on (by walking within X[+2 to -1],Y[+2 to -1] of its position),
• Immediately end Mechanic 3 if it was currently ongoing,
• If you are burned, cure your burn
Behemoth / ビーモス Lv292
Behemoth HP% Remaining Parameters
When Behemoth dies,
• SVAL8 = 1
Obelisk 1 HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when combat starts)
• VAL6 = 0, SVAL1 = 0
When Obelisk 1 dies,
• Behemoth DEF-200, MDEF-1000, STR-1000, VIT-100, INT-1000, DEX-150
• VAL6 = 1, SVAL1 = 1
Obelisk 2 HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when combat starts)
• VAL7 = 0, SVAL2 = 0
When Obelisk 2 dies,
• Behemoth DEF-200, MDEF-1000, STR-1000, VIT-100, INT-1000, DEX-150
• VAL7 = 1, SVAL2 = 1
Mechanic 1: Power Up buff
If you are solo and in your MQ fight,
• The God's Fragments started shining!
• apply [Power Up] 15min: ATK+40%, MATK+40%, Melee Damage+1000, Autoskill+10%, Absolute Evasion+50%, Magic Evasion+50%, MeleeR+50%, MagicR+50%, Rate Cut+50%
Mechanic 2: Obelisks empowering Behemoth [This Mechanic can only activate a total of five times]
While at least 1 Obelisk is alive, after 20sec, then every 20sec thereafter, apply these to Behemoth,
• Behemoth DEF+100, MDEF+500, STR+500, INT+400 (if you are solo and in your MQ fight: these stat increases are half as much)
• Create animation 2_1_4_2
Cerbera / ケルベラ Lv293
HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when combat starts)
• VAL1 = 1
80% HP
• STR+500, INT+1000
• Movement Speed becomes 7
• Modify Autoattack Delay [1st Attack becomes 1.2sec]
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 2
60% HP
• AGI+200, DEX+200
• Movement Speed becomes 9
• Modify Autoattack Delay [1st Attack becomes 1.1sec]
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 3
40% HP
• STR+500, INT+1000
• Movement Speed becomes 11
• Modify Autoattack Delay [1st Attack becomes 1sec]
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 4
20% HP
• Remove continuous effects from players
• VAL1 = 5
• Flash the screen
Mechanic 1: Debuffs
After 5sec, then every 20sec thereafter,
• Delay was increased.
• apply [Delay] 5sec: Skill Delay+2sec, Item Delay+2sec
• Check if [(jobCheckType 1) + 1] = 0
if true:
• Casting Speed was lowered.
• apply [Casting Speed] 5sec: Cast Time+50%
if false:
• Attack Speed was lowered.
• apply [Attack Speed] 5sec: ASPD-50%
Parazaia / パラザイア Lv294
HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when combat starts)
• VAL1 = 1
90% HP
• MDEF+500, INT+200
• Modify Autoattack Delay [1st Attack becomes 1.2sec]
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 2
70% HP
• MDEF+500, INT+200
• Modify Autoattack Delay [2nd Attack becomes 1.2sec]
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 3
50% HP
• MDEF+500, INT+200
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
• Modify Autoattack Delay [3rd Attack becomes 1.2sec]
• VAL1 = 4
30% HP
• MDEF+500, INT+200
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
• Modify Autoattack Delay [4th Attack becomes 1.2sec]
• VAL1 = 5
20% HP
• MDEF-6000
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 6
Mechanic 1: Parazaia's Skill
If solo, immediately, then every 25sec thereafter (if party size ≥ 2, immediately, then every 10sec thereafter),
• VAL9 = [MaxHP x (random number from 15-30 / 100)] (minimum 1, maximum 30000)
• Lose HP equal to [VAL8 + (your Lv - 294) x 100] (minimum 1)
• Check if party size ≥ 2, and, check if you are not Parazaia's highest aggro target,
• if true:
• Hate increased.
• Increase your Hate by 5000
• Apply 1 option chosen randomly from the list below
Option 1
• Parazaia used Earth Pike! _ damage taken.
• Stunned for 3sec
Option 2
• Parazaia used Dark Blast! _ damage taken.
• Blinded for 10sec
Option 3
• Parazaia used Venom Attack! _ damage taken.
• Poisoned for 10sec (poison damage: 500)
Option 4
• Parazaia used Fire Lance! _ damage taken.
• Burned for 10sec
Option 5
• Parazaia used Ice Spear! _ damage taken.
• Frozen for 10sec
Option 6
• Parazaia used Thunderbolt! _ damage taken.
• Paralyzed for 10sec
Sea Dragon Meelis / 海竜ミーリス Lv294
HP% Remaining Parameters
90% HP
• VAL1 = 1, VAL4 = 1
50% HP
• AGI+100, DEX+100, CRT+20, DEF+10000, MDEF+30000
• Element becomes Wind
• Create object 1
• VAL1 = 2, VAL10 = 1, SVAL1 = 200, SVAL2 = 1
If 50% HP parameter activated, whichever happens first: [20sec later], or, [when the 30% HP parameter activates]
• DEF-9850, MDEF-29700
• VAL1 = 3, VAL11 = 0
30% HP
• VAL11 = 0, SVAL1 = 0
Mechanic 1: Debuffs (this mechanic doesn't activate if you are solo and in your MQ fight)
When the 90% HP parameter activates, then every 60sec thereafter,
• Water Element was weakened.
• apply [Water Element] 40sec: Water Magic-40%, Melee to Water-30%, WaterR-20%
• Wind Element was weakened.
• apply [Wind Element] 40sec: Wind Magic-40%, Melee to Wind-30%, WindR-20%
Mechanic 2: Reduce HP (completes every 50sec, then repeats)
Start this mechanic when the 90% HP parameter activates,
Part 1 (at 0sec)
• Place wind circle animation at your current X,Y position
Part 2 (at 5sec)
• Check if you are Meelis' highest aggro target,
if true:
• Immediately move you to the wind circle animation's X,Y position
• Stunned for 4sec
Part 3 (at 9.7sec)
• Place water splash at the wind animation's X,Y position
• remove the wind animation
Part 4 (from 10sec)
During Part 4, every 0.1sec,
• Check if your X,Y position is within X±3,Y±3 of the water splash animation
if true:
• Lose HP equal to [MaxHP x 0.1] (minimum 1, this can kill you)
Part 5 (at 15.1sec)
• Remove the water splash animation
Part 6 (at 50sec)
• Repeat this mechanic from the start
Mamonea / マモネア Lv295
HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when combat starts)
• VAL1 = 1
90% HP
• Paralyze players for 5sec
• VAL1 = 2
80% HP
• STR+500, INT+500, AGI-10, CRT-10
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 3
70% HP
• Paralyze players for 5sec
• VAL1 = 4
60% HP
• STR+500, INT+500, AGI-10, CRT-10
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 5
50% HP
• Remove continuous effects from players
• VAL1 = 6
40% HP
• VAL1 = 7
30% HP
• MDEF+2500
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
VAL1 = 8
20% HP
• VAL1 = 9
10% HP
• MDEF+2500
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
VAL1 = 10
Mechanic 1: Reduce HP
When the 90%, and 70% HP parameter is activated,
• VAL9 becomes 1 (if able to)
• Check if VAL9 is 1,
if true:
• Lose HP equal to [MaxHP x 0.15] (this cannot kill you)
When the 40% and 20% HP parameter is activated,
• VAL9 becomes 2 (if able to)
• Check if VAL9 is 2,
if true:
• Lose HP equal to [MaxHP x 0.35] (this cannot kill you)
• Check the party size
if solo,
• Paralyzed for 10sec
if party size ≥ 2,
• Stunned for 3sec
Mechanic 2: Debuffs
Immediately, and every 15sec thereafter (if you have any [Paralysis Resistance] buff when this mechanic activates, the next activation is delayed by another 10sec)
• MaxHP was lowered.
• [Max HP] 5sec: [if solo and in your MQ fight: MaxHP-20%] [Otherwise: MaxHP-50%]
• MaxMP was lowered.
• [Max MP] 5sec: [If solo and in your MQ fight: MaxMP-20%] [Otherwise: MaxMP-50%]
• Delay was lowered.
• apply [Delay] 5sec: [If solo and in your MQ fight: Skill Delay+1.0sec, Item Delay+1.0sec] [Otherwise: Skill Delay+2.0sec, Item Delay+2.0sec]
Mechanic 3: Debuffs
After 5sec, and every 20sec thereafter (if you have any [Paralysis Resistance] buff when this mechanic activated, the next activation is delayed by another 10sec)
• Cast speed was lowered.
• apply [Casting Speed] 10sec: [If solo and in your MQ fight: Cast Time+20%] [Otherwise: Cast Time+50%]
• Attack speed was lowered.
• apply [Attack Speed] 10sec: [If solo and in your MQ fight: ASPD-20%] [Otherwise: ASPD-50%]
• Paralysis resistance was lowered.
• apply [Paralysis Resistance] 10sec: [VAL9 treated as 0 during this buff] [If Paralysis Immune Determination is 1: Paralysis Immune Determination-1]
• Evasion rate was lowered.
• apply [Evasion Rate] 10sec: [If solo and in your MQ fight: Absolute Evasion-20%, Magic Evasion-20%] [Otherwise: Absolute Evasion-50%, Magic Evasion-50%]
Cheltil / ケルティル Lv296
HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when combat starts)
• VAL1 = 1
• atkP_5
85% HP
• STR+300, INT+500
• Modify Autoattack Delay [1st Attack becomes 1.4sec]
• VAL1 = 2
65% HP
• STR+300, INT+500
• Modify Autoattack Delay [1st Attack becomes 1.3sec]
• atkP_6
• VAL1 = 3
45% HP
• STR+300, INT+500
• Modify Autoattack Delay [1st Attack becomes 1.2sec]
• VAL1 = 4
25% HP
• STR+300, INT+500
• Modify Autoattack Delay [1st Attack becomes 1.1sec]
• VAL1 = 5
Mechanic 1: Guard debuff
If party size ≥ 2, immediately, then every 10sec thereafter,
• Melee resistance was lowered.
• apply [Guard] 5sec: MeleeR-30%
Mechanic 2: Ice circle (completes after 5sec, then in solo, has a 50% chance of repeating every 25-30sec (random) thereafter (if party size ≥ 2, has a 50% chance of repeating every 5-10sec (random) thereafter)
Part 1 (at 0sec)
• Place ice circle animation at your current X,Y position
Part 2 (at 5sec)
• Check if your X,Y position is within X±5,Y±5 of ice circle animation
if true:
• Apply 1 option from the following list, selected based on their probability
• Remove the ice circle animation
Option 1 (60% chance)
• Check if your job is not High Wizard, Sniper, Assassin, Bishop, Ninja, or Minstrel
if true:
• Lose HP equal to [MaxHP x (random number from 10-35) / 100] (this can kill you)
• Defense was lowered.
• apply [Defense] 5sec: DamageR-[random number from 20-40]%
Option 2 (35% chance)
• Agility was lowered.
• Your legs are frozen! Cannot move!
• apply [Agility] 3sec: Unable to Normally Move Determination (+1 = Cannot Move, 0 = Can Move)+1, Skill Delay+3.0sec, Item Delay+3.0sec
Option 3 (5% chance)
• HP becomes 1 (if solo and in your MQ fight: HP becomes [Current HP / 2] instead)
• 20% chance to Freeze you for 10sec
Zolte / ゾルテ Lv297
HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when you enter the room)
• for 10sec: [DEF+30000, MDEF+50000] (when this expires: VAL1 = 1)
• atkP_5
• Create object 1
• SVAL1 = 100, SVAL2 = 2
75% HP
• STR+1000, INT+1000, CRT+15
• atkP_6
• Create animation 2_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 2
50% HP
• Remove continuous effects from players
• Element becomes Light
• VAL1 = 3
35% HP
• STR+1000, INT+1000, CRT+15
• Create animation 2_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 4
10% HP
• DEF+100, MDEF+2000
• Create animation 2_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 5
Mechanic 1: Zolte ignites (this mechanic doesn't activate if you are solo and in your MQ fight)
After 10sec, and every 10sec thereafter (for a total of 10 times),
• Check party size
if solo:
• Zolte STR+100, INT+100
• Create animation 2_1_1_1
if party size ≥ 2:
• Zolte STR+300, INT+300
• Create animation 2_1_1_1
Evil Dragon Leviam / 竜魔レビアム Lv298
HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when combat starts)
• VAL1 = 1, VAL3 = 1
90% HP
• Reduce players HP by [their Lv x 30]
• Modify Autoattack Delay [1st Attack becomes 1.3sec]
• INT+300, DEF-50, MDEF+500
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
• Paralyze players for 3sec
• VAL1 = 2
80% HP
• INT+300, DEF-50, MDEF+500
• Reduce players MP by [their Lv x 8]
• Modify Autoattack Delay [2nd Attack becomes 1.7sec]
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 3
60% HP
• VAL3 = 0, VAL4 = 1, VAL1 = 4
40% HP
• INT+300, DEF-50, MDEF+500
• Reduce players HP by [their Lv x 30]
• Modify Autoattack Delay [2nd Attack becomes 1.4sec]
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
• Blind players for 3sec
• VAL1 = 5
30% HP
• INT+300, DEF-50, MDEF+500
• Reduce players MP by [their Lv x 8]
• Modify Autoattack Delay [2nd Attack becomes 1.2sec]
• Create animation 1_1_1_1
• Poison players for 7sec (poison damage: 500)
• VAL1 = 6
Mechanic 1: Special Attack
In solo, immediately, and every 30sec thereafter (if party size ≥ 2, immediately, and every 20sec thereafter),
• Evil Dragon's special attack! _ damage taken.
• Lose HP equal to [(Lv / (random number from 20-30)) x (mINT + mVIT)] (minimum [Lv x 10])
• 20% chance to apply all of the following,
• Blinded for 3sec
• Paralyzed for 3sec
• Stunned for 3sec
Mechanic 2: Buff name reduce
If the 60% HP parameter has not activated,
in solo, immediately, and every 25sec thereafter (if party size ≥ 2, immediately, and every 15sec thereafter),
• 40% chance of applying the following,
• Randomly select a buff name from a specific list of buff names, and check if you have it
if true:
• _ time was reduced.
• Reduce that buff name's duration by 30sec
if false:
• Repeat the random buff name check. (the check can be repeated up to 500 times, or, until it finds a buff name that you have).
The list of buff names it searches for is the same list that Trashiddoh uses
Mechanic 3: Buff name wipe
If the 60% HP parameter has activated,
in solo, immediately, and every 25sec thereafter (if party size ≥ 2, immediately, and every 15sec thereafter),
• 20% chance of applying the following,
• randomly select a buff name from a specific list of buff names, and check if you have it
if true:
• _ was erased.
• Immediately end that buff
if false:
• Repeat the random buff name check. (the check can be repeated up to 500 times, or, until it finds a buff name that you have).
The list of buff names it searches for is the same list that Trashiddoh uses
Leviam Ghost / レビアムの亡霊 Lv298
HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when combat starts)
• VAL1 = 1
95% HP
• VAL3 = 1, VAL1 = 2
90% HP
• Poison players for 10sec (poison damage: 1000)
• VAL1 = 3
75% HP
• VAL3 = 1, VAL1 = 4
70% HP
• Paralyze players for 10sec
• VAL1 = 5
55% HP
• VAL3 = 1, VAL1 = 6
50% HP
• Stun players for 3sec
• VAL1 = 7
35% HP
• VAL3 = 1, VAL1 = 8
30% HP
• Blind players for 10sec
• VAL1 = 9
25% HP
• VAL3 = 1, VAL1 = 10
20% HP
• Burn players for 15sec
• VAL1 = 11
15% HP
• VAL3 = 1, VAL1 = 12
10% HP
• Freeze players for 10sec
• VAL1 = 13
Mechanic 1: Buff name wipe
When the 95%, 75%, 55%, 35%, 25%, and 15% HP parameter is activated,
• Randomly select a buff name from a specific list of buff names, and check if you have it
if true:
• _ was erased.
• Immediately end that buff
if false:
• Repeat the random buff name check. (the check can be repeated up to 500 times, or, until it finds one buff name that you have)
The list of buff names it searches for is the same list that Trashiddoh uses
Enina I / エニナ Lv305
HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when combat starts)
• atkP_5
• VAL1 = 1
80% HP
• Stun players for 3.0sec
• VAL1 = 2
50% HP
• Remove continuous effects from players
• atkP_6
• DEF+20000, MDEF+30000
• Create object 1 (twice)
• Element becomes Dark
• VAL5 = 1, SVAL1 = 1, SVAL2 = 100
If 50% HP parameter activated, whichever happens first: [10sec later], or, [when the 40% HP parameter activates]
• DEF-20100, MDEF-32000
• VAL1 = 3, VAL6 = 0
40% HP
• SVAL2 = 0
20% HP
• Stun players for 3.0sec
• VAL1 = 4
Mechanic 1: Attack Power debuff
Immediately, and every 10sec thereafter,
• Attack power was lowered.
• apply [Attack Power] 5sec: ATK-20%, MATK-20%
Mechanic 2: Defense debuff
Immediately, and every 20sec thereafter,
• Check if you are Enina's highest aggro target
if true:
• Defense was lowered.
• apply [Defense] 10sec: DamageR-20%
Fallen Angel Ibrie / 堕天使イブリエ Lv307
HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when combat starts)
• VAL1 = 1
80% HP
• STR-1000, INT-500
• Create animation 2_2_1_1
• VAL1 = 2
60% HP
• STR-1000, INT-500
• Create animation 2_2_1_1
• VAL1 = 3
40% HP
• STR-1000, INT-500
• Create animation 2_2_1_1
• VAL1 = 4
20% HP
• STR-1000, INT-500
• Create animation 2_2_1_1
• VAL1 = 5
Mechanic 1: Range Cut debuff
Immediately, and every 20sec thereafter,
• Check if you have no [Range Cut] buff, and, check if you are not Ibrie's highest aggro target
if both are true:
• Range cut was lowered.
• apply [Range Cut] 10sec: Range Cut-50%
Mechanic 2: Ignite
In solo, after 30sec, then every 30sec thereafter, for a total of 8 times (if party size ≥ 2, after 60sec, then every 60sec thereafter, for a total of 4 times),
• Check if you have a [Vitality] buff
• Check if you have a [Guard] buff
• Check if you have a [Defense] buff
• Check if you have a [Magic Defense] buff
• Check if you have a [Limit Break] buff
if you had none of these buffs
• Ibrie used Ignition! _ damage.
• HP becomes 1
if you had at least one of these buffs
• Ibrie used Ignition! _ damage taken.
• Buff: [ _ ] was dispelled.
• End only one buff that you had from the above list, with buffs lower in the list taking priority
• HP becomes [Current HP / 2]
Fallen Angel Meligia / 堕天使メリジア Lv309
HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when combat starts)
• VAL1 = 1
90% HP
• INT+1000, DEF-50
• Create animation 2_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 2, VAL3 = 0
70% HP
• INT+1000, DEF-50
• Create animation 2_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 3, VAL3 = 0
60% HP
• Remove continuous effects from players
• Flash the screen
VAL1 = 4
40% HP
• MDEF+1000, DEF-50
• Create animation 2_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 5, VAL3 = 0
20% HP
• MDEF+1000, DEF-50
• Create animation 2_1_1_1
• VAL1 = 6, VAL3 = 0
Mechanic 1 (this mechanic doesn't activate if you are solo and in your MQ fight)
Immediately, and every 15sec thereafter,
• Elemental attack was lowered.
• apply [Elemental Attack] 5sec: Earth Magic-40%, Melee to Wind-20%, WindR-30%
Mechanic 2: Dark circle placement
Immediately, and every 15sec thereafter,
• Place a dark circle animation at 1 of the following X,Y positions, chosen randomly, from the X,Y positions that don't already have a dark circle animation
• 49,42
• 44,49
• 55,32
• 53,53
• 43,28
• 66,27
• 27,32
• 59,67
• 42,17
• 53,21
• 65,47
• 42,59
• 48,68
• 28,51
• 69,59
• 72,37
Mechanic 3: Dark circle damage
If your X,Y position is within X±3,Y±3 of any dark circle animation, immediately, then every 1sec of time being within X±3,Y±3 thereafter,
• Lose HP equal to [(((MaxHP / 1000) + Lv) x (random number from 90-110)) / 10] (minimum 2, this can kill you)
Jahoel / ジャオエル Lv312
HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when combat starts)
• VAL1 = 1, VAL7 = 1
70% HP
• STR-2000, INT-1500
• Create animation 4_1_5_1
• VAL1 = 2
50% HP
• Remove continuous effects from players
• VAL1 = 3, VAL7 = 1
30% HP
• STR-2000, INT-1500
• Create animation 4_1_5_1
• VAL1 = 4
Mechanic 1: Resistance buff wipe
When the 100% and 50% HP parameter activates,
• Ailment resistance was erased.
• End any [Poison Resistance] debuff
• End any [Paralysis Resistance] debuff
• End any [Blind Resistance] debuff
• End any [Freeze Resistance] debuff
• End any [Burn Resistance] debuff
Mechanic 2: Debuffs
Immediately, then every 15sec thereafter,
• Elemental defense was lowered.
• apply [Elemental Defense] 5sec: LightR-30%
• Evasion rate was lowered.
• apply [Evasion Rate] 5sec: Absolute Evasion-20%, Evasion-30
Mechanic 3: Lightning Bolt (completes after 12sec, then repeats)
Part 1 (at 0sec)
• Place lightning bolt animation at your current X,Y position
• During Part 1, every 0.1sec, check if your X,Y position is within X±4,Y±4 of the lightning bolt animation
if true:
• Lose HP equal to [MaxHP x 0.01] (this cannot kill you)
• Lose MP equal to [MaxMP x 0.01]
• 1% chance to apply 1 of the following effect (chosen randomly)
Option 1
• Blinded for 5sec
Option 2
• Burned for 15sec
Option 3
• Freezed for 15sec
Option 4
• Paralyzed for 5sec
Part 2 (at 3sec)
• Remove the lightning bolt animation
Part 3 (at 15sec, or, at 25sec if you are solo and in your MQ fight)
Repeat this mechanic from the start
Ouvel / ウーベル Lv330
HP% Remaining Parameters
100% HP (when combat starts)
• VAL1 = 1
90% HP
• DEF+100, MDEF+1000, STR-1000, INT-500
• Create animation 1_2_5_5
• VAL1 = 2
80% HP
• VAL1 = 3
70% HP
• DEF+100, MDEF+1000, STR-1000, INT-500
• Create animation 1_2_5_5
• VAL1 = 4
60% HP
• VAL1 = 5
55% HP
• DEF+100, MDEF+1000, STR-1000, INT-500
• Create animation 1_2_5_5
• VAL1 = 6
50% HP
• Remove continuous effects from players
• Flash the screen
• VAL1 = 7
• Modify Attack Probability [1st Attack becomes 25%], [2nd Attack becomes 25%], [3rd Attack becomes 20%], [4th Attack becomes 15%], [5th Attack becomes 12%], [6th Attack becomes 3%]
40% HP
• VAL1 = 8
30% HP
• DEF+100, MDEF+1000, STR-1000, INT-500
• Create animation 1_2_5_5
• VAL1 = 9
20% HP
• VAL1 = 10
10% HP
• DEF+100, MDEF+1000, STR-1000, INT-500
• Create animation 1_2_5_5
• VAL1 = 11
Mechanic 1: Ugggoorrhhh!!
After 15sec, then every 15sec thereafter,
• Check if Ouvel is currently Stunned
if true:
• Flash the screen
• Check if you are Ouvel's highest aggro target
if true:
• Ouvel: Ugggoorrhhh!!
• Immediately move player to 40,60
• Stunned for 6sec
if false:
• Immediately move player to 40,45
• Stunned for 5sec
Mechanic 2: Various effects (this mechanic doesn't happen if you are solo and in your MQ fight)
When 50% HP parameter activates, Lose MP equal to [MaxMP x 0.5]
When 80%, 60%, 40%, and 20% HP parameter activates, check if you are Ouvel's highest aggro target
if true:
• Stunned for 5sec
if false:
• Hate rose!
• Increase your Hate by 30,000
Mechanic 3: Buff name wipe
In solo; after 50sec, then every 50sec thereafter (in party; after 30sec, then every 30sec thereafter),
• Buff: [Cover] was erased.
• Immediately end any [Cover] buff
• Buff: [Power Up] was erased.
• Immediately end any [Power Up] buff
Mechanic 4: Debuffs
In solo; after 40sec, then every 40sec thereafter (in party; after 20sec, then every 20sec thereafter),
• Defense was lowered.
• apply [Defense] 5sec: MeleeR-30%
• Magic defense was lowered.
• apply [Magic Defense] 5sec: MagicR-30%
• Range cut was lowered.
• apply [Range Cut] 5sec: Range Cut-50%
Mechanic 5: Meteor Storm
In solo; after 50sec, then every 50sec thereafter (in party; after 20sec, then every 20sec thereafter)
10% chance to place interactable object "Meteor Storm" at -8,-8 distance from your current position
90% chance to place interactable object "Meteor Storm" at random position within X12-58,Y9-55
during unknown conditions, every 1sec (based on a timer that began when the fight started):
• Ouvel used Meteor Storm!
• Check if you have any clones
if true:
• Lose 1 clone
• You used a clone! _ clone(s) left. or All the clones are gone!
if false:
• _ damage!
• Lose HP equal to [((MaxHP x (10 / 100)) + (Current HP x (40 / 100))) / 10] (minimum 1, this can kill you)
• MP becomes 0
• Check if you have any [Burn Resistance] buff, and, check if you currently have a burn ailment
if both are false:
• Burned for 15sec
Mechanic 6: Special Attack
In solo, after 50sec, then every 50sec thereafter (in party; after 15sec, then every 15sec thereafter)
• Ouvel's special attack!
• _ MP damage taken!
• Check if you are solo and in your MQ fight
if true:
• Lose MP equal to [MaxMP x (10 - (mINT / 64)) / 100] (minimum 1)
if false:
• Lose MP equal to [MaxMP x (20 - (mINT / 35)) / 100] (minimum 1)
• Check if you have any clones
if true:
• All the clones were erased!
• Remove any clones
if false:
• _ HP damage taken!
• Check if you are solo and in your MQ fight
if true:
• Lose HP equal to [MaxHP x (10 - (mVIT / 73)) / 100] (minimum 1, this can kill you)
if false:
• Lose HP equal to [MaxHP x (20 - (mVIT / 30)) / 100] (minimum 1, this can kill you)
Meligia's Palace [Area 1-3], not the room with the boss
When you looked into the water surface in the fountain, something glinted.
You picked up a coin.
But looks like it's not used as currency in this world.
Clean water is splashing from the fountain.
When you looked into the water surface in the fountain, you dropped the coin in it!
Then, the coin began to collect light...
You picked up the shining coin.
Clean water is splashing from the fountain.
You threw the coin in the fountain...
• Flash the screen
Suddenly, a dazzling light splashed from the fountain and engulfed your body...
Your body became hot.
You feel you are getting power from it!
Heal reward will increase.
• apply [Healing Up] 60sec: Auto HP Recovery+25%
Clean water is splashing from the fountain.